17. Data Upload and Notification System

Endpoints for Data Upload

This week we implemented a simple endpoint for uploading the data to our VIGAD API. It wasn’t simple to find a matching solution on this issue, but we thought it out.

Our present challenge lies in the limitation of our existing data structure, which lacks the ability to retrieve all values associated with a set of keys. Currently, we store each match as an individual key-value pair and rely on regular sets to combine them. Redis hashes offer a more promising solution in this scenario, but I still need to grasp the specifics of utilizing redisJSON to achieve this. While the current setup is functional for the time being, we must consider implementing a limitation mechanism for production usage. Our solution involves leveraging the existing timestamp stored for each match. We can explore the possibility of creating an endpoint that accepts a timestamp range as a parameter, allowing us to retrieve matches within that specific timeframe. This approach helps address the need for managing and retrieving data within certain temporal boundaries.

Implementation of the Notification System

This week we also implemented methods to use our new notification system in more parts of VIGAD. We have implemented the service specifically in the regex and capturing view.

We now have notifications for creating and deleting Capture areas, and when we’re starting and stopping the capturing process. This is very useful for the user experience to exacly know what is going on.

It was originally planned to include the client-side api for uploading data from VIGAD as well, however due to time constraints and a bug having to do with Cross-Origin communication we had to push this to the next sprint.

That’s it for this week, see you in the next one!


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4 Antworten zu “17. Data Upload and Notification System”

  1. Great work, VIGAD team!

    It’s impressive to see your progress in implementing a data upload endpoint for your VIGAD API. Finding a suitable solution for this challenge may not have been easy, but your team’s thoughtful approach paid off. We appreciate your recognition of the limitation in the existing data structure, specifically regarding the retrieval of values associated with a set of keys. Exploring the utilization of Redis hashes, particularly redisJSON, shows your dedication to finding a more efficient solution. While the current setup is functional, considering a limitation mechanism for production usage demonstrates your commitment to delivering a robust and scalable system. The idea of implementing an endpoint that accepts a timestamp range as a parameter to retrieve matches within a specific timeframe is a clever approach to managing and retrieving data within temporal boundaries.

    Additionally, your implementation of the notification system is commendable. Integrating it into various parts of VIGAD, such as the regex and capturing view, enhances the user experience by providing real-time updates on important events like creating and deleting capture areas, as well as starting and stopping the capturing process. This level of transparency helps users stay informed about the system’s status and contributes to a smoother workflow.

    We understand that due to time constraints and a bug related to Cross-Origin communication, you had to postpone the inclusion of the client-side API for data uploading from VIGAD. It’s essential to prioritize and address these issues effectively, and we’re confident that you’ll tackle them in the next sprint.

    Overall, your team’s progress is impressive, and we look forward to seeing your continued success in the upcoming weeks. Keep up the great work, and best of luck with the next sprint!

    Best regards,


  2. Hello Team VIGAD,

    very impressive progress, since it’s been a while since we’ve visitted your blog, we are excited to see how much your application and UI in particular has progressed. We’re curious about redisJSON though; in what capacity does it differ from regular JSON and what did you find challenging to adjust to?

    Wishing you good luck with your future work and

    Much Love
    Team DTLYD ❤


  3. Hi Vigad,

    even though your current set solution seems functional, we are happy to see you are not just letting it slide and are addressing the problem now.
    Would you mind describing the problem with your current system a little more, for our understanding?

    The notifications are good-looking and sensible as well since giving more feedback to the user can make the experience a lot more responsive and enjoyable.
    Just be careful not to overdo it.

    Kind regards,


  4. Hello Vigad,

    Great job on implementing the data upload endpoint for VIGAD API! Finding the right solution can be challenging, but your team thought it through and made it work.

    You identified a limitation in the existing data structure and are exploring Redis hashes as a potential solution. Implementing a limitation mechanism for production usage shows your commitment to improving the system.

    The notification system implementation in more parts of VIGAD, including capturing and regex views, is a valuable addition for user experience. Clear updates on creating, deleting capture areas, and capturing processes will keep users informed.

    While client-side API for data upload had to be postponed due to time constraints and a bug with Cross-Origin communication, it’s great to see your adaptability and prioritization.

    Overall, it was a productive week for VIGAD. Looking forward to the next update! Keep up the good work!

    Kind regards,


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